JavaScript SOAP Client - DEMOS (EN)

JavaScript SOAP Client - DEMOS (EN)

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DEMO 1: "Hello World!"

The simplest example you can imagine (but maybe not the most fanciful...):

Client (javascript)function HelloWorld()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "HelloWorld", pl, true, HelloWorld_callBack);
function HelloWorld_callBack(r)

Server (WebMethod - C#)public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World!";

DEMO 2: Using parameters (base)

Passing parameters to the Web Service (see also DEMO 12):

Client (javascript)function HelloTo()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("name", document.frmDemo.txtName.value);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "HelloTo", pl, true, HelloTo_callBack);
function HelloTo_callBack(r)

Server (WebMethod - C#)public string HelloTo(string name)
    return "Hello " + name + "!";

DEMO 3: Using .NET framework core classes

Using a date as return type (.NET "DateTime" automatically converted to JavaScript "Date")

Client (javascript)function ServerTime()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "ServerTime", pl, true, ServerTime_callBack);
function ServerTime_callBack(st)
    var ct = new Date();
    alert("Server: " + st.toLocaleString() + "\r\n[Client: " + ct.toLocaleString() + "]");

Server (WebMethod - C#)public DateTime ServerTime()
    return DateTime.Now;

DEMO 4: Void methods

Calling a void method with a long response-time (while waiting for the response an orange box is displayed):

Client (javascript)function Wait()
    var duration = parseInt(document.frmDemo.ddSleepDuration[document.frmDemo.ddSleepDuration.selectedIndex].value, 10);
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("seconds", duration);
    var ph = document.getElementById("phWait"); = "block";
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "Wait", pl, true, Wait_callBack);
function Wait_callBack(r)
    var img = document.getElementById("phWait"); = "none";
    alert("Call to \"Wait\" method completed");

Server (WebMethod - C#)public void Wait(int seconds)
    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000);

DEMO 5: Exceptions

Handling exceptions: 

Client (javascript)function ThrowException()
        var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
        SOAPClient.invoke(url, "ThrowException", pl, false);
        alert("An error has occured!");

function ThrowExceptionAsync()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "ThrowException", pl, true, ThrowExceptionAsync_callBack);
function ThrowExceptionAsync_callBack(e)
    if(e.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Error()") != -1);
        alert("An error has occured!\r\n\r\n" + e.description + "\r\n\r\n[Error code: " + e.number + "]");

Server (WebMethod - C#)public void ThrowException(int seconds)
    throw new Exception();

DEMO 6: Sync calls

Syncronous call example: server response is delayed 5 seconds using "Wait" method (see demo No. 4). Please note that browser is stuck until response is received:

Client (javascript)function SyncSample()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("seconds", 5);
    var starttime = (new Date).toLocaleTimeString();
    var r = SOAPClient.invoke(url, "Wait", pl, false);
    alert("Operation start time: " + starttime + "\r\nOperation end time: " + (new Date).toLocaleTimeString());

Server (WebMethod - C#)public void Wait(int seconds)
    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000);

DEMO 7: Using custom entities (classes)

Leaving the textbox empty, the web method will return a null; entering any value a User object with random property values will be returned:

Client (javascript)function GetUser()
    var username = document.frmDemo.txtUsername.value;
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("username", username);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "GetUser", pl, true, GetUser_callBack);
function GetUser_callBack(u)
    if(u == null)
        alert("No user found.\r\n\r\nEnter a username and repeat search.");
            "ID: " + u.Id + "\r\n" +
            "USERNAME: " + u.Username + "\r\n" +
            "PASSWORD: " + u.Password + "\r\n" +
            "EXPIRATION: " + u.ExpirationDate.toLocaleString());

Server (WebMethod - C#)public User GetUser(string username)
    if (username.Trim().Length == 0)
        return null;
    int id = DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
    string password = "PWD_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
    DateTime expirationdate = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0));
    return new User(id, username, password, expirationdate);

User class:

public class User
    private int _id = -1;
    private string _username = "";
    private string _password = "";
    private DateTime _expirationdate = DateTime.MinValue;
    public User() { }
    public User(int id, string username, string password, DateTime expirationdate)
        this.Id = id;
        this.Username = username;
        this.Password = password;
        this.ExpirationDate = expirationdate;
    public int Id
        get { return _id; }
        set { _id = value; }
    public string Username
        get { return _username; }
        set { _username = value; }
    public string Password
        get { return _password; }
        set { _password = value; }
    public DateTime ExpirationDate
        get { return _expirationdate; }
        set { _expirationdate = value; }

DEMO 8: Arrays

Using custom entity arrays. The web method returns an array with 4 User objects (see demo No. 7)

Client (javascript)function GetUsers()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "GetUsers", pl, true, GetUsers_callBack);
function GetUsers_callBack(ul)
    alert(ul.length + " user(s) found:");
    for(var i = 0; i < ul.length; i++)        
            "User No. " + (i + 1) + "\r\n\r\n" +
            "ID: " + ul[i].Id + "\r\n" +
            "USERNAME: " + ul[i].Username + "\r\n" +
            "PASSWORD: " + ul[i].Password + "\r\n" +
            "EXPIRATION: " + ul[i].ExpirationDate.toLocaleString());

Server (WebMethod - C#)public User[] GetUsers()
    User[] ul = new User[4];
    Random r = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < ul.Length; i++)
        int id = r.Next(100);
        string username = "USR_" + id.ToString();
        string password = "PWD_" + id.ToString();
        DateTime expirationdate = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan((i + 1), 0, 0, 0));
        ul[i] = new User(id, username, password, expirationdate);
    return ul;

DEMO 9: ICollection

Custom entity collection (System.Collections.ICollection). The web method returns a UserList object, typed collection of User (see demo No. 7) with 3 elements.

Client (javascript)function GetUserList()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "GetUserList", pl, true, GetUserList_callBack);
function GetUserList_callBack(ul)
    alert(ul.length + " user(s) found:");
    for(var i = 0; i < ul.length; i++)        
            "User No. " + (i + 1) + "\r\n\r\n" +
            "ID: " + ul[i].Id + "\r\n" +
            "USERNAME: " + ul[i].Username + "\r\n" +
            "PASSWORD: " + ul[i].Password + "\r\n" +
            "EXPIRATION: " + ul[i].ExpirationDate.toLocaleString());

Server (WebMethod - C#)public UserList GetUserList()
    UserList ul = new UserList();
    Random r = new Random();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        int id = r.Next(100);
        string username = "USR_" + id.ToString();
        string password = "PWD_" + id.ToString();
        DateTime expirationdate = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan((i + 1), 0, 0, 0));
        ul.Add(new User(id, username, password, expirationdate));
    return ul;

UserList class:

public class UserList : System.Collections.CollectionBase
    public UserList() { }
    public int Add(User value)
        return base.List.Add(value as object);
    public User this[int index]
        get { return (base.List[index] as User); }
    public void Remove(User value)
        base.List.Remove(value as object);

DEMO 10: Practical usage

Client (javascript)function GetCars()
    var cid = document.frmDemo.ddCompany[document.frmDemo.ddCompany.selectedIndex].value;
    if(cid != "")
        // clear car list
        while(document.frmDemo.ddCar.options.length > 0)
        // add waiting element
        var o = document.createElement("OPTION");
        o.value = "";
        o.innerHTML = "Loading...";
        // disable dropdown
        document.frmDemo.ddCar.disabled = true;
        // invoke
        var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
        pl.add("companyid", cid);
        SOAPClient.invoke(url, "GetCars", pl, true, GetCars_callBack);
function GetCars_callBack(cl)
    // clear car list
    var c = document.frmDemo.ddCar.options.length;
    while(document.frmDemo.ddCar.options.length > 0)
    // add first (empty) element
    var o = document.createElement("OPTION");
    o.value = "";
    o.innerHTML = "Please, select a model...";                    
    // fill car list
    for(var i = 0; i < cl.length; i++)
        var o = document.createElement("OPTION");
        o.value = cl[i].Id.toString();
        o.innerHTML = cl[i].Label;
    // enable dropdown
    document.frmDemo.ddCar.disabled = false;

Server (WebMethod - C#)public Car[] GetCars(string companyid)
    Car[] cl;
    switch (companyid.Trim().ToLower())
        case "vw":
            cl = new Car[]
                new Car(1, "Passat"),
                new Car(2, "Golf"),
                new Car(3, "Polo"),
                new Car(4, "Lupo")
        case "f":
            cl = new Car[]
                new Car(1, "Stilo"),
                new Car(2, "Punto"),
                new Car(3, "500")
        case "bmw":
            cl = new Car[]
                new Car(1, "X5"),
                new Car(2, "520")
            cl = new Car[0];
    return cl;

Car class:

public class Car
    private int _id = -1;
    private string _label = "";
    public Car() { }
    public Car(int id, string label)
        this.Id = id;
        this.Label = label;
    public int Id
        get { return _id; }
        set { _id = value; }
    public string Label
        get { return _label; }
        set { _label = value; }

DEMO 11: Using the SOAP response (xml)

How to use the SOAP response (XmlDocument) in callback method. In this example we show only the Xml in an alertbox, but you can - for example - transform the SOAP response using a stylesheet (XSL).

Client (javascript)function GetSoapResponse()
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "HelloWorld", pl, true, GetSoapResponse_callBack);
function GetSoapResponse_callBack(r, soapResponse)
    if(soapResponse.xml)    // IE
    else    // MOZ
        alert((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(soapResponse));

Server (WebMethod - C#)public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World!";

DEMO 12: Using parameters (advanced)

Passing complex parameters to the Web Service

Example #1: string, int, float, bool, Date

Example #2: string[]

Example #3: int[]

Example #4: User (custom object)

Example #5: User[] (custom object list)

Client (javascript)function User(id, username, password, expirationdate)
    this.Id = id;
    this.Username = username;
    this.Password = password;
    this.ExpirationDate = expirationdate;
function SendSamples_callBack(r)
    if(r.constructor.toString().indexOf("function Error()") != -1)
        alert("ERROR\r\n\r\n" + r.description + "\r\n\r\n[" + r.number + "]");
function SendSample1()
    var p1 = "This is a string";
    var p2 = 34654;
    var p3 = 3.14159;
    var p4 = true;
    var p5 = new Date();
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("p1", p1);
    pl.add("p2", p2);
    pl.add("p3", p3);
    pl.add("p4", p4);
    pl.add("p5", p5);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample1", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample2()
    var list = new Array();
    list[0] = "element 1";
    list[1] = "element 2";
    list[2] = "element 3";
    list[3] = "element 4";
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("list", list);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample2", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample3()
    var list = new Array();
    list[0] = 235;
    list[1] = 9876;
    list[2] = 124;
    list[3] = 79865;
    list[4] = 53;
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("list", list);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample3", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample4a()
    var u = new User(34, "Administrator", "p@ss01!", new Date());     
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("user", u);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample4", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample4b()
    var u = new Object();
    u.Id = 5271;
    u.Username = "Guest1";
    u.Password = "GuestP@ss!";
    u.ExpirationDate = new Date();
    u.ExpirationDate.setMonth(u.ExpirationDate.getMonth() + 1);
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("user", u);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample4", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample4c()
    var u = new Array();
    u["Id"] = 654;
    u["Username"] = "Guest2";
    u["Password"] = "GuestP@ss!";
    u["ExpirationDate"] = new Date();
    u["ExpirationDate"].setMonth(u["ExpirationDate"].getMonth() + 1);
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("user", u);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample4", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);
function SendSample5()
    var ul = new Array();
    ul[0] = new User(52342, "User1", "User1P@ss!", new Date());
    ul[1] = new User(453, "User2", "User2P@ss!", new Date());
    ul[2] = new User(5756, "User3", "User3P@ss!", new Date());
    ul[3] = new User(5431, "User4", "User4P@ss!", new Date());
    var pl = new SOAPClientParameters();
    pl.add("userlist", ul);
    SOAPClient.invoke(url, "SendSample5", pl, true, SendSamples_callBack);

Server (WebMethod - C#)public string SendSample1(string p1, int p2, double p3, bool p4, DateTime p5)
        "P1 - string = " + p1 + "\r\n" +
        "P2 - int = " + p2.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "P3 - double = " + p3.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "P4 - bool = " + p4.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "P5 - DateTime = " + p5.ToString() + "";
public string SendSample2(string[] list)
        "Length = " + list.Length.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "First element = " + list[0] + "\r\n" +
        "Last element = " + list[list.Length - 1] + "";
public string SendSample3(int[] list)
        "Length = " + list.Length.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "First element = " + list[0].ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "Last element = " + list[list.Length - 1].ToString() + "";
public string SendSample4(User user)
        "Id = " + user.Id.ToString() + "\r\n" +
        "Username = " + user.Username + "\r\n" +
        "Password = " + user.Password + "\r\n" +
        "ExpirationDate = " + user.ExpirationDate.ToString() + "";
public string SendSample5(User[] userlist)
    string s = "Length = " + userlist.Length.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < userlist.Length; i++)
        s +=
            "Id = " + userlist[i].Id.ToString() + "\r\n" +
            "Username = " + userlist[i].Username + "\r\n" +
            "Password = " + userlist[i].Password + "\r\n" +
            "ExpirationDate = " + userlist[i].ExpirationDate.ToString() + "\r\n\r\n";
    return s;