Select * from Employee
Where el_CD <= 7
And UserID Not IN (
Select WWH_UserID from WH_WorkHistory Where WWH_CheckYear = 2004 And WWH_CheckMonth = 5 And WWH_CheckDay = 3
And WWH_TS_CD = 1
And JoinCompanyDay < Convert(Varchar(10), Getdate(), 121)
Select Count(*) from Employee
Where el_CD <= 7
Execute WH_Work_WorkStatical_sp
Select dbo.fn_Get_Employee_Team(36)
작성자 : 한영민
작성일 : 2004-04-30
설 명 : 근태관리 통계 Count
ALTER Procedure dbo.WH_Work_WorkStatical_sp
@SearchDate Varchar(10) = '0'
IF @SearchDate = '0'
SET @SearchDate = Convert(DateTime, Getdate())
Isnull(Sum(WC1), 0) AS 연차,
Isnull(Sum(WC2), 0) AS 월차,
Isnull(Sum(WC3), 0) AS 반차,
Isnull(Sum(WC4), 0) AS 리프레쉬,
Isnull(Sum(WC5), 0) AS 보건,
Isnull(Sum(WC6), 0) AS 대체휴가,
Isnull(Sum(WC7), 0) AS 훈련,
Isnull(Sum(WC8), 0) AS 경조,
Isnull(Sum(WC9), 0) AS 병가,
Isnull(Sum(WC10), 0) AS 출장,
Isnull(Sum(WC11), 0) AS 교육,
Isnull(Sum(WC12), 0) AS 결근,
Isnull(Sum(WC13), 0) AS 지각,
dbo.fn_Get_OverCheckCntBYDay(0, Convert(Varchar(10), @SearchDate, 121)) AS 석식대,
dbo.fn_Get_OverCheckCntBYDay(1, Convert(Varchar(10), @SearchDate, 121)) AS 야간식대,
Isnull(Sum(WC16), 0) AS 조퇴,
Isnull(Sum(WC17), 0) AS 정출,
Isnull(Sum(WC18), 0) AS 정퇴,
Isnull(Sum(WC19), 0) AS 공휴출,
Isnull(Sum(WC20), 0) AS 전퇴,
Isnull(Sum(WC21), 0) AS 공휴퇴,
Isnull(Sum(WC23), 0) AS 별정휴무,
Isnull(Sum(WC1), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC2), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC3), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC4), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC5), 0)+
Isnull(Sum(WC6), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC7), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC8), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC9), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC10), 0)+
Isnull(Sum(WC11), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC12), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC13), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC16), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC17), 0)+
Isnull(Sum(WC18), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC19), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC20), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC21), 0)+Isnull(Sum(WC23), 0) AS 총합
Case WC_CD When 1 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC1,
Case WC_CD When 2 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC2,
Case WC_CD When 3 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC3,
Case WC_CD When 4 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC4,
Case WC_CD When 5 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC5,
Case WC_CD When 6 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC6,
Case WC_CD When 7 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC7,
Case WC_CD When 8 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC8,
Case WC_CD When 9 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC9,
Case WC_CD When 10 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC10,
Case WC_CD When 11 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC11,
Case WC_CD When 12 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC12,
Case WC_CD When 13 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC13,
Case WC_CD When 16 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC16,
Case WC_CD When 17 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC17,
Case WC_CD When 18 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC18,
Case WC_CD When 19 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC19,
Case WC_CD When 20 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC20,
Case WC_CD When 21 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC21,
Case WC_CD When 23 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End AS WC23,
Count(*) AS WC0
from WH_WorkCode AS WWC1
Right Outer Join
Select WWH_WC_CD, count(WWH_CD) as Cnt From WH_WorkHistory
Where WWH_CheckYear = Year(@SearchDate)
And WWH_CheckMonth = Month(@SearchDate)
And WWH_CheckDay = Day(@SearchDate)
Case WC_CD When 1 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 2 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 3 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 4 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 5 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 6 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 7 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 8 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 9 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 10 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 11 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End ,
Case WC_CD When 12 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 13 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 16 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 17 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 18 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 19 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 20 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 21 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End,
Case WC_CD When 23 Then WWH2.Cnt/IsDualInsert End
) AS WorkStatical